Last words. October 10th, still this fucking vile nation pukes ignorance and vulgarity all over me, I just walked out of  the supermarket in UTTER DISGUST AT IGNORANCE,no guilt, no shame from any quarter but still the ignorance and vulgarity from the morally bankrupt.

 anybody with a moral backbone I have not reached out to I want to go to The Danieli and sleep for a month, all I want in this world is that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen in jail.

Again my words are only for anybody that I have not reached out to, those that can ignore the cries of ANYBODY in pain is Sub Human Scum and redemption is not for sale even if you wanted to buy it, I would never have ANYTHING to say to such people they make my skin crawl and the one that disgusts me the most is Idaho's Norma Desmond, a sociopath in the clinical sense or sick in the fucking head to use earthier terms, ANYBODY I have not reached out to, I want to get out of this VILE nation and scrub the stench of their vulgarity and ignorance from my heart and soul in the Damieli., NO MORE WORDS UTTERLY DISGUSTED.

My possible real hobby if I nailed the door closed if I had a door to nail closed that is,  well that hobby is flawed, restoring old Tube Radios, given the drivel that passes as radio in this day and age, lucky to get 30 mins needle  time in the hour, the rest ads, and my " Fantasy Hobby" is so fucking shallow, all I truly want in this world is that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen in jail and some nails to nail the door closed.
Last words ever at the start, seething in utter fucking disgust on 15 Aug, I noticed in The Media For Morons that bidding for dinner with George " Cobweb" Clooney starts at 33K, well a lesson in fucking ethics for the vile and vulgar that did not only turned their back on me but on children in 3rd world hell holes my late daughters charity would have aided.
Bidding for dinner with me starts at 34K and I have fuck all I cannot even buy my own coffee but all of that money would go to the homeless in Paris.
"Moral Brady Disclosure" Of The Heart as it were, if Cobweb Clooney is bidding for dinner with me and you win, we are not going to talk about you over dinner and after dinner you CANNOT touch me in my " Special Place" and if any of Ford's or Elites list bids and wins I will eat your ass on a first date if you make coffee in the morning!
I can also string a sentence together, all Cobweb can do is tell you how amazing he is and that it is not easy being a fake,  talking about coffee,  Cobweb Clooney may try and sell you a crappy overpriced coffee machine after mediocre sex that appeals to 30 something Terminally Confused Vanity Fair Readers, Townsend's DRIVEL not Thackeray.
Children in 3 rd world hell holes my late daughters charity would have aided do not want crappy overpriced coffee machines, they want to eat, they want the W.H.O'S E.M.L
.Another sad tale is the W.H.O has too many chimps, that money would be better spent on medicine.
Bidding starts at 34K Dinner With A Basket Case and that money would do good, there is a fucking thought doing good rather than Cobweb Clooney's " Specialist Subject" Talking Crap.
I just noticed " The Activist"  Cobweb Clooney working for Apple, mmmm " The Activist" working for a VILE Company that abuses and violates children in their factories in China, I wonder if Cobweb Clooney is related to Abraham Gancwajch.  The man could keep a legion of satirists going in ink for years, Juvenal may even come back to life.
I am a fuck up, however I have 2 things in my heart Cobweb Clooney does not have integrity and morality, I have nothing Gracen took everything but as an actor I would not work for Apple.
One last thought for the vile, the vulgar and the cowardly that do not want to know after hearing the name Clinton,  I am a fucked up homeless wretch in a fucking toxic nation sitting on the cusp on winter, Today is Sep 16th and day after day this toxic nation pukes her ignorance and vulgarity all over me.
I had an " Impure Thought" about somebody a short while ago,  " I would like to play Albinoni's Adagio On Your Clit With My Tongue" I also wanted to say to her I have a bag of chocolate raisins and as Eartha Kitt almost said " I Want To Be Naughty" however I am old, fucked up , broke and decrepit and that tends to get in the way of such endeavors so I said to her " A Coffee Please" well I am a fucked up old man, you are a coward and Clinton is a rapist, who is the better man, anybody I have not reached out to reach out to me I want to go to The Danieli and sleep for a month, FUCKING DISGUSTED ANOTHER SUMMER " STOLEN" from me. UTTERLY FUCKING DISGUSTED.
My last words, I am a fuck up, 2 gold diggers and being drawn to a woman from Idaho that is a sociopath in the clinical sense not as the word is bandied around by W.G.A chimps without any meaning.
However I treat everybody the right way. it has been many years since anybody has treated me the right way, will you be the first?.
13  years later still the racial hatred from Ireland a few hours ago somebody from an Irish Mickey Mouse Law Firm Arthur Cox tried to start an email fight, sectarian hatred, ignorance and vulgarity 13 years later.
Lets Sum up, 13 years ago I was told by Liam Ward the Head of Housing at Donegal County Council " We Do Not Want Your Kind Or Niggers In Ireland"
Catherine Pierse a vile and vulgar RACIST Irish Director of Public Prosecutions is still coming after me 13 years later with a malicious prosecution for my " HEINOUS CRIME" of SATIRE, thank fuck Juvenal was never in Ireland they would have hanged him for SATIRE.
The Irish Supreme  Court, I had hoped they would have risen to the level of competence and basic human decency displayed  a Learned Court in Vannes, France  in 1750, the court ruled that the donkey was innocent, she was a most virtuous donkey and she was abused by Jacqques Ferron and was not a party to his wanton desires
8 times I tried to file for  a Judicial Review  in the Irish Supreme Court and 8 times it was wrong, it will always be wrong even if Tom Denning was 2nd Chair " My Kind"
.A chuckle before we get to vulgarity, ignorance and racial hatred, Identity Politics before the term was coined, Who Broke The League Of Nations?., however in truth Identity Politics makes a mockery out of everything good, decent and just, why should children bother getting an education they could just sit on their ass and hope their ethnicity is in vogue this week.
Twice the E.C.H.R has engaged in Identity Politics, firstly with an Icelandic Man and now with an Irish Woman a Siofra O'Leary that has abused her office in the name of RACIAL HATRED , she has pulled strings at the E.C.H.R so the court will not hear my Rule 39 Application, look it up yourself, I am a Text Book Case of whom Rule 39 was meant to protect.
This goes beyond me, refugee children in Ireland should not have to deal with racial hatred from Irish Gov Officials.
I am fucking ill, anybody I have not reached out to care to reach out to me, I want to go to the Danieli for a month and sleep, THERAPY
.Only for those that I have not reached out to, those that turned their back on me the very thought of you will make my skin crawl until the day I die, it is not how dare you turn your back on Chris it is how dare you turn your back on a fellow human being that has been abused and violated the way I have, that is my own PCL-R , anybody that can turn their back on anybody that has been abused and violated the way I have are sub human scum according to my heart.
The one that disgusts me the most is that sack of shit from Idaho, I poured my heart out to her, she would read my emails with millions in bank as I was crying myself to sleep under bridges in Paris and  do nothing, SICK IN THE FUCKING HEAD.
I will  not be changing anything else here, out of words and disgusted, October 1st 2024 and still the racial hatred comes from Ireland, I am out of words, if anybody has a moral backbone get off your ass and march over that metaphoric  bridge  however the bridge is in Ireland  not Selma,Alabama  and it leads to Phoenix Park Ireland where you will find a vile and vulgar racist Leprechaun called Micheal Higgins, as the President of a pissant vulgar rock that masquerades as a nation the buck stops here surely as Harry said, he should have been in the dock for War Crimes but that is another story.


Today is Sunday 4th August, seething in utter fucking disgust and these are my last words unless this is in the public domain and Corp Scum like Simon and Shyster or RH are chasing me for a book, if RH are chasing me part of my package will be firing that vile and vulgar hag Gail  Rebuck a living Becky Sharp.
However today I am a homeless wretch that cannot even buy his own coffee.
A Musicians Cattle Call, I am not calling you, to quote somebody that seemingly has been busy blowing Tory Scum, Baldrick is no longer Baldrick but Sir Baldrick, however before he started performing fellatio on Tory Scum he had many ' Cunning Plans" shall we have a Cunning Plan?.
In many ways it is still 1998 in my head, I died in the spiritual sense in 1998 when a vile Mennonite hobby writer starved my daughter to death in her womb.
In 1998 I would have no idea how to distribute vinyl globally without involving " The Big 4 Scumbags" that feed drivel to the mindless.
However maybe it is possible with streaming I do not know I am out of date with everything and  I am not a musician I am a fucked up old man that is dead,  I just refuse to lie down until THAT ABOMINATION ELIZABETH GRACEN IS IN JAIL.
I cannot even buy my own coffee, I do not own IP on an idea  I am not saying " Take The Money And Run" like John Mellencamp I am saying  " Take The Idea And Run"

Just ideas somebody else would need to Flesh It Out and make it happen., think " I am Woman"by Reddy re work that for Ursula von Der Leyen, different versions.
Reggae think Black Uhuru, Marley, Tosh or a piano version think Monk or Peterson, "Auch Ein Deutsches Lied", last I heard Nina Hagen lost her marbles, Born Again Christian, however she can hit a F over High C,  WOW., I see Rammstein are still going, they must be over a 120 now, ' Komst du raus du spielen?"
Re write " I Am Imbecile, Hear Me Babble" for Ursula von der Leyen lets have a reggae version, a punk version, a heavy metal version, and hopefully a Bonzo Dog Band Version.
Can anybody turn that into a show a competition that could be monetized to help people, not scum like Ken Roth on 400 k a year or masturbatory drivel from the SPLC , money to help people rather than to help assholes talk crap.
What is the best version of " I Am Imbecile, Hear Me Babble" the punk version, the reggae version, the heavy metal version, what version, many versions, 
Von der Leyen is utterly vile,  explain further down and would be happy to tell anybody that asks, however something very insipid about German's that will not stand up to racial hatred, remember 1933 and that Austrian Man with a silly mustache.
Forgetting that  for a moment Von der Leyen screams banality, her heart screams banality, if you left your granny or dog with Von Der Leyen I doubt she would loose them, however if you wanted to get your house in Architectural Digest you would not give Von der Leyen a blank cheque as she would paint your house, your granny and your dog battleship grey and no doubt granddads cock would also be painted battleship grey.
Von der Leyen has my blood on her hands when in effect she told me to fuck off, however she also has the blood and tears of refugee children in Ireland on her hands as in effect she told refugee children in Ireland that are being subjected to racial hatred from Irish Gov Officials to fuck off not in words but in actions or rather the lack of actions, lack of actions 1933 ANYBODY?
All I want to do is nail the fucking door closed in a country that will treat me like a human being, yes this will help me get my story in the public domain but it would also help refugee children.
This world is utterly fucked I came across a name yesterday I had never heard of  British Sub Human Scum called Robinson and his band uneducated thugs,  UTTER SCUM, a man that has served no useful purpose in his entire life, the world of hatred he advocates for he would be taken by force and sterilized ,  Buck v Bell he would have been sterilized Skinner V OK  would have prevented that, however the hatred he advocates would not need a legal framework , a bigger thug would sterilize him by virtue of being a bigger thug.
The hatred Robinson advocates " The Eugenics Commission" would have him sterilized  in a heartbeat after reports of him torturing animals and failing a PCL-R.
The riots in the UK, Starmer is vile and vapid.
I  am waiting for my apology from the buffoon, I expect I will be waiting a long time, I have only been waiting 9 years since he was a vile and vulgar morally repugnant MP
The saddest thing is and it would be funny if it was not so sad, a Police Minister that must be new in the UK as policing used to be the Home Sec's remit.
I do not know her name, I assume a " General Purpose Sycophant" however how can anybody take her serious  with an Honorific Title, Dame it makes a mockery of the principles the British Labour Party was founded on, shades of " 2 Legs Bad, 4 Legs Good" Animal Farm,  and the pig sitting in the chair with a cigar, " Plus Ca Change, Plus C'est La Meme Chose"
Whoever she is how can anybody of substance take her serious with an Honorific Title?, same as Starmer, how can anybody take him serious as a Labour man with a K , Sir Fake of Fakeville and all of that.I know how to stop the riots, they should be forced to sleep with Diane Abbott, that would stop them in their tracks.
I just want to nail the fucking door closed, any musicians run with this, if I can be any help email me ONLY 2 DEMANDS, HONESTY AND DECENCY.
The start  of this is the end on Sunday 4th utterly numb, ill the " medicine" I crave is  not in a Merck it used to be in peoples hearts, it was called integrity and morality.
The world is fucked, I see that buffoon Rowling puking hatred over a TG lady athlete, she is no fucking writer, kids in the 6th form could pump that out, she is not one of the Bronte Sisters, hatred for media coverage, she is vile as is Musk, I know nothing about him, I assume a "  General Purpose Robber Barron" again hared of some TG lady athlete, has he not got better things to do given all the money he has , no doubt from  fucking over the little guy.  THE WORLD IS FUCKED.


This in blue is for an old friend from Malibu Everybody else please scroll down until the text is in black.

Today is May 20th, seething in fucking disgust,there is no rhyme or reason to me hoping you will help me, However drowning men do not intellectualize they hope.

They hope The Love Boat will come along and the Captain will invite the drowning wretch to sit at his table and learn drunken sea shanties, they hope Julie will down a bottle of Brandy, loose those Mid West Sensibilities and Blow The Band AND the drowning wretch and that Isaac knows ladies in ports from San Juan to Port of Spain that want to fuck a drowning wretch.

Not logical hopes however all we have

I am asking you to lend me a 100K, like pocket change to you, I am asking you to help me I am no longer drinking that was over 20 years ago after loosing my daughter.
If I had a 100k I would give 50 k to Jean-Pierre the man that pulled me from the streets and fed me for almost 8 years and with the other 50 k I would go somewhere like Thailand or Brazil not the Danieli if 50k was all I had I would not " waste" it there.

Somewhere on the beech so I could " Emotionally Decompress" the last 20 fucking years of hell at the hands of that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen has been like N narcosis, I would like to sit on the beech and look for a Brazilian or Thai cousin of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, peace and quiet in my heart for the first time in over 20 years rather than the daily discordant bile my heart is awash with , to wake up without worrying where the next cup of coffee is coming from.

I am so utterly burned out, banal umbrella terms that mean nothing, PTSD, Battle Fatigue, Owen and Sassoon a little more substance I AM FUCKING SHELL SHOCKED.

I would  not go to Bali, I like Bali a lot, however I no longer would want to go there as they screwed over an Australian lady, I do not know her, awful what happened to her and her own Gov threw her to the wolves as they were more interested in securing " Pillaging Rights"for an Australian Mining Company than looking out for one of their own.

Do you know Ubud?, the village is known for wood carving, little old men with chisels and talent with their grand kids on their lap creating marvels out of lumps of wood.

I want to watch something like that, Granddad's heart has skill, granddads heart can create something not mindless fucking drivel such as " Like" and " Follow" I want to get away from all the ignorance and vulgarity the planet is awash with in 2024.

" Emotional Cues" if we had met a few years later we would have had a chance I matured, however back then I felt like I had to go and wrestle dinner and drag it along the 405, you had so much more than I did.

I felt like the help and that was my hang up, however I went from a 1 bed in Westwood  to your wealth.

If I could do it all over again and yes I am  " Maybe Cheating" talking of such things in the hope you  will help me,  however I am not lying I have nowhere else to turn I will die without your help and I want to die but I cannot die until I see that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen go to jail.
I have nothing left to try, I tried everything and failed, My cries fell upon cowardly ears, self obsessed ears and vile ears, I am asking if you can remember any of the good and give me a " Time Out" so I can emotionally decompress.
I noticed somebody a few days ago a lot of time on my hands I read her bio, from Indiana of all places, nobody is from Indiana apart from Woody, in fact I do not know if Indiana is real maybe a folk tale to scare children, " Behave or we will send you to Indiana" 
She is so pretty, I wish she would tell me a bedtime story about her clit becoming a concert pianist or a impressionist painter or maybe about running away to Paris to become George Sands lover or a Balzacian Serving Wench, well she is young and pretty and I am a broken down old man, she would not want to regale me with such tales.
However a thought about what disgusts me about the cowards that do not want to get involved upon hearing the name Clinton, pretty skin actress from Indiana would not want  to demonstrate       
" The Works" of Dr Kegel to a fucked up old man, I think how sad and remember being young and on the other hand Clinton is a rapist.
Memories are all I have left the only decision I make is do I buy ham of cheese to put on my bread and I only have that choice as Jean-Pierre allows me to have it.
Hatred is the only emotion I have left, hatred of that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen and a dream of seeing it go to jail.
I noticed something a few days ago Julie Roberts ads for lotions and potions from corp dross, well think if somebody had a few drinks the night before and woke up next to a 58 year old Julie Roberts they would be screaming " It was not me, It was a dingo, it was a guy with dreds that drinks in The Prince of Wales on Coldharbour Lane, it was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg" I expect waking up next to a 58 year old Julie Roberts without make up would be scary.
All I want to do is go somewhere where I will be treated like a human being this country lacks moral faculty and values in all quarters the way they have treated me is fucking depraved.
I dream of dancing on the grave of an 86 year old here that shit all over me, that is what they have reduced me to here, you knew me, could you imagine me ever saying that? the VILE OBSCENITIES  hands are dripping with my blood in the metaphoric sense and the blood of children in 3rd world hell holes my late daughters charity would have aided, a vulgar Joe Kennedy wannabe that does not even know right from wrong at 86 and the sack of shit taught law once, UNBELIEVABLE, MORALLY DEPRAVED.
 100K is like a cup of coffee to you, I give Jean-Pierre half, VLOF, next stop Thailand or Rio, I do not want a vertical of Petrus I would like to sit on the beech and drink a coffee out of a paper cup and try and relax for the first time in 22 years.
I expect in a few years time when that wacko Le Pen is sitting in the Elysee puking her vile and vulgar semi literate racist rhetoric all over France alleged academics in alleged University's will be wondering how she got there,
All this time later no seed of guilt and shame germinated within a corner of France's heart that bloomed into an apology, I would not accept that apology could Pierre Laval have said sorry, however nobody even tries an utter lack of introspection within France's heart.
The thing that sticks in my craw is over 2 years later not a single apology from anybody in France, not even a personal apology from a cop with The PJ, not even a personal apology rather than an official apology that could leave them open to litigation, dark vulgar hearts.
Extrapolating from the lack of personal values in cops hearts in France in 2024 I expect most of them would round up Parisian Jewry in 2024 and intern them in the Vel d'Hiv or Drancy if they were told to do that, no introspection, no introspection from a single heart, no sense of values in a single heart over 2 years later.
I know an ex cop with the PN in France, I know for a fact if he was told to do something depraved he would say NO, he would not fuck with anybody under color of law.
France was civilized once, forgetting my issues I expect " The Wackos" FN will take control of the Parliament ," The Weird Kids " now have their own Political Party, Le Pen's ignorance and vulgarity is modern France , doubt my words look in my mouth at festering stumps where my teeth used to be, my teeth that France took from me.

I crave integrity, I crave morality, there is none in this country, day after day at best depraved indifference at worst utter fucking depravity but no integrity or morality in any quarter.
I do not think there are any VALUES left anywhere in this world, however if there are they are going to be in the Developing World or the Third World, there is no hope for Europe beyond Norman Rockwell Banality when the so called best Europe can produce is " The Turgid Toxic Troika"   Ursula von Der Leyen, Charles Michel and Roberta Metsola a bag of rocks has more of a backbone than all 3 of the morally repugnant prancing obscenities.
I would like to sit on the beech relax, read, play a game of chess with somebody, share a melancholy chuckle with somebody that the pretty 20 something waitress would not want to fuck me as I am old and decrepit anything other that my heart being engulfed with a CANCER that has engulfed my heart for 22 years a CANCER by the name of Elizabeth Gracen.
The man that saved my life, Jean-Pierre I love him like a brother, I would give him a kidney, I would run into a burning building for him, however I cannot crap bullion or diamonds so I can pay him back.
One of his hands is feeding me and I love him for that, in effect that vile woman from Idaho with millions in the bank told me to die and would not even give me a sandwich, Jean-Pierre has fed me for almost 8 years, I just want to pay him back and nail the door closed, I love him like a brother but his other hand is punishing me as I have not paid him back, it is my fault but I do not know what to do, I cannot crap gold and diamonds.
I love him like a brother, he saved my life I am drinking a coffee he paid for now, he could have a kidney, he could have the other one once Gracen is in jail, however I cannot crap bullion or gemstones, I am at the end of my fucking tether, if you help me I can give Jean-Pierre 50 k and go and sit on the fucking beech. 
If I got my money back I would buy that place in Italy unseen and try and finish my book, I doubt I can I expect trying to finish my book means throwing balls of paper at the cat and kvetching at the cat, however I want to try and finish it I doubt I can however I want to try, I cannot try until I can find some calm in my heart and I do not even know where the next cup of coffee is coming from.
This world is truly broken, one cannot expect any better from the Irish all they know is ignorance and vulgarity, Disraeli summed up Ireland " An Unbroken Circle Of Bigotry And Blood" I would be laughing at the moment if I knew how, Ireland jumping on board, Recognition of Palestine, not for any moral reason somebody wants to get Ireland's name in the history books.
Nothing has happened in Ireland since 1922, well that is not quite true, THEY BROKE THE BANKING SYSTEM IN IRELAND IN 2007, Junkie Mentality meets Supermac's " You Have Never Had It So Good" we do not need Milton Friedman to know that was doomed to failure.
One cannot expect any better from Ireland, somebody asked me a few weeks ago did I get an apology from the new Irish PM, I never will " My Kind"  however I expected so much better from France it was once a civilized nation.
There are no values left in this world, the pandemic was not a wake up call to the world re how fleeting and fragile life is, in the NL, " The Wackos" took power, a political party of vile and vulgar semi literate racists took power,a country once known for wisdom and tolerance is now known for hatred and ignorance.

I do not even notice ladies any more, no fucking point, we cannot share a coffee and talk about the price of baked beans in Budapest or Byron Bay or about Pliny The Elders Cat as all I can do is babble on about that abomination Elizabeth Gracen,
I no longer notice ladies as she would not want to sit on my face as I am old and decrepit, a bird and a fish do not dine out together they live in different worlds, if I do notice a lady I tell myself to stop being a fucking idiot as I am old, broke, fucked up and decrepit. IF YOU CAN REMEMBER ANY GOOD PLEASE HELP ME, SOS.
The world is utterly fucked, one of the last things I did was email the vile and vulgar morally repugnant chimps at  the faculty of law at UCLA, chimps masquerading as professors in a kindergarten masquerading as university not one of them feels any guilt and shame over their moral failings, not one of them can find an apology within their heart but it gets worse than that, USC must have assumed  they are next they block me before I sent a single email to them, logic suggests there is more chance of Hitler building mikvah's than anybody has of finding integrity at USC, however I was blocked before I tried.
I read earlier something from the leader of the British Labour Party , Starmer is VILE , however he was quoted as saying he would work with Trump if Trump won.
What lesson is that to children?, validating vile and vulgar semi literate dictatorial aspirants like Trump.
A thought Starmer is fucking vile, I have had dealings with him, in the metaphoric sense his hands are dripping with my blood and the blood of children in 3rd world hell holes my late daughters charity would have aided.
Forgetting that how can anybody of substance take him serious with a Knighthood,
A Labour Man that calls himself Sir , it is an affront to the  very principles  the British Labour Party was founded on.
I expect the obscenity is busy explaining Droit De Seigneur to the interns, the man is vile.
I see  they got rid of Tory Scum in The UK, however the replacement is no better Starmer is VILE AND VAPID.
There is a " Legion of Knavish Serfs" that lurk on King Charles Street in London, they come across like Penfold from " Danger Mouse" they are Diplomatic Couriers that go by the grand title of Queens Messenger's, I am waiting for my apology from Starmer, I expect I will be waiting a long time.
Where the fuck is Biden's integrity, forgetting the only power Clinton has to protect Gracen is the power that the current administration gives him.
What is he by now?, 103, surely if he cared about the nation rather than power he would step down and let a younger person try, K Mart in Oneonta,NY need a greeter, that would be perfect for Biden. A Clinical Sociopath V A Toxic Geriatric Dullard.
Personally I think The Log Ladies Log would make a better President than either of them, it cannot fuck anything up it would just lurk in the corner, however if she was still alive Susan Sontag would have made a great President, I knew her she was honest she called it like it is.
I do have a last sentence that shows the world is fucked in 15 Perf, last week I contacted 5 people in the NL professionally, all 5 of them are morally bankrupt, all 5 of them have dark vulgar hearts lacking integrity, 30 years ago people holding their jobs would have done the right thing, I found 5 morally bankrupt people in the NL last week.
I just want to nail the fucking door closed and sit on the stoop and pen anthropomorphic tales about my Alpaca's. and never be seen again.
I noticed somebody last year that was 40, she looked enchanting aged like a fine wine, I read her bio she has a brain somebody I would have wanted to have said " hello" to if we were ever in the same place.
I think people in their 40's still have a chance I noticed last week in the media for morons she is  41 , well if I knew her and out sense of humors meshed I may have said something to her like "  I just had an exceptionally filthy thought about you in 15 perf that involved a chocolate eclair, alas I am fucked up, but that guy 3 bar stools down seems okay, have a nice night I am going home to look at the walls and seethe in disgust at peoples lack of humanity."
Nothing left inside me I was 32 wandering around Paris " Un Cafe Et Un Bon Salope SVP" I was alive I was vibrant, now I am a broken down old man.
I had a rare " Heavy Duty Impure Thought" about somebody a few days ago, well she would not want to share that " Impure Thought" with me unless she was a lunatic or I recovered funds and she was a gold digger.
I am a broken down old man, she looked radiant I look decrepit.
Lastly Anybody Else Reading This, anybody I have not reached out to wants to invest in that place in Italy get in touch, plenty of space for a few people.

It has a soul, 4.85 , you could not even get a 4 Bed in The Dakota for that, in LA a a small monstrosity by a  Howard Roark wannabe.


If you are a single pretty lady I would never make a pass at you I know I am fucked up, if a single pretty lady turned up in my bedroom naked I would say at least 3 times you know I am fucked up, you know this cannot go anywhere before I said sit on my face, Moral Brady Disclosure of the heart, behind all the dirt, sadness and despair I am a GENTLEMAN, I would love to call up " The Nicole's"  and say " Good Evening Ladies, I Will Be Your Slut This Evening" they would not want me to be their slut, I remember being young, I would drive them from Portland,ME to Portland,OR and be a gentleman, Clinton on the other hand is a rapist, who is the better man?
Anybody interested in investing that remembers that arcane word morality and closely related arcane words such as  ethics, integrity and compassion feel free to get in touch.
For those reading this I have not reached out to and no doubt you have heard many conflicting 2nd hand stories, well something of a preamble at a fundamental level the " Mens Rea" of my heart, you would see more over coffee  and I OFFER and DEMAND only 1 thing HONESTY, whatever we are talking about investing or righting a great wrong or maybe even something as fucking abstract as helping me I DEMAND AND OFFER HONESTY.
I noticed somebody at 36 without make up that looks radiant she has this " Earth Mother" thing going on the kind of person one would hope to meet on the beech collecting sea shells and as Bogie said to Claude or the other way around , " This Could Be The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship" , she looks radiant that is all I know about her, I am a fucked up old man that I expect is older than her father, I just want to nail the door closed and never be seen again.
The oldest person I noticed that looks enchanting is 52, I am 59 a broken down old man.
I am so  isolated from this world I never really " Got It" how bad things have become until the " Wackos" took over the NL, A vile and vulgar racist political party has taken power at one time in the NL people helped each other, the new national pastime is everybody is ripping everybody else off, the first thing a person notices in the NL is the train company want to rip you off for an extra euro to print your ticket and charge you an extra 10 cents for the paper cup to put your overpriced cup of coffee in.
At one time their was such an creative spark in coffee shops in Amsterdam, I remember once getting of a coach from London and going in one, so tired finding a lady was the last thing on my mind, waiting for check in time.
I  started talking to the lady that worked there, she was Dutch reading Turgenev in English, we ended up in bed and a few nights later she asked if her friend could join us, it was not just sex, it was a friendship that lasted until I was drunk between 98 and 02, I went back in there over the years had a coffee or 2 never bothered a soul hoping somebody would take the moral high ground, nobody even did and I will not call them names by name I will remember what is once was and never go there again, the first thing I found there was a friendship that lasted years the last thing I found there was a choreographed ignorance that beggars belief , I will never go back there again.
The saddest thing is not a single person there could join " The Moral Dots" the sad thing is it could have come back and thanked them if I have my day, Claude will need staff, he is the man that will be running my late daughters charity if I recover funds, decent people earning min wage could have had a feel good job  and a decent wage with Claude.
Not a soul opened their mouth with anything like "  That is disgusting Chris" not a soul.
I will remember who they once were not their fucking depravity that is akin to singing " Deutschland Uber Alles" to a holocaust survivor, utterly fucking depraved, vulgar ignorant companies like Sensi Seeds and that vulgar ignorant greedy man Dronkers is the modern NL, however I knew a coffee shop that was special once, now so utterly fucking depraved in 30 years it went from learned kind people to utter fucking depravity, a depravity that makes my blood run cold.
Their ignorance and utter depravity in just one generation, fucking disgusting.
Now in The NL everybody is ripping everybody else off, somebody was telling me about this awful Dutch company called Sensei Seeds and a vulgar man that runs it that is only interested in gouging customers on postage, no doubt he is being gouged by the bank the insurance company, the power company, the new national pastime everybody is ripping everybody else off, however he treats his customers like crap once he has their money, 30 years ago most people treated their customers the right way.
The ignorance of Dronkers and Sensi Seeds is the NL in 2024, from kindness and compassion to greed and ignorance in just 1 generation.
Dronkers could be the " Poster Boy" of the ignorance, greed and vulgarity that is Amsterdam  in 2024.
The Poster People of the kind and compassionate Netherlands that existed over 30 years ago Big James from the Cafe Corso, a lady who's name I never knew that must be 121 by now the owner of the Cafe Dijk on the Niewendijk, Roy Inca, half Indonesian but would pretend to be half Native American, his birth name was Jan Bakker, when we wanted to get him going we would say " Wat Zegt Je Jan?"  " What did you say Jan?" he was an artist,  airbrush and woodwork restoring old Riva boats, he did the woodwork I did the wiring and if the owner was very happy he would give us pictures of Spinoza or if just happy a picture of a lighthouse  as a tip ,the old 1000 FL and 250 FL bank note, people working together how it used to be in the NL.
Joop from Hunter's on the Warmoestraat and Benno from The Hell's Angel's, decent moral people, now ignorance and greed like Dronkers and Sensi Seeds, from Echtenstein to Eeftink in De Bijmeer to a nice apartment on the Prinsengracht there used to be such a warmth, wisdom and learning in Amsterdam, she used to be a wise old mensch, now she is an ignorant vulgar schlub.

I was  looking on line Dronkers what a disgusting vulgar man, 75 years of age, he started his company on 4th Oct 1991  according to the " Uittreksel" from the K.V.K, Think S.E.C fillings similar, 75 years of age, he does not want to do anything nice in his twilight years he wants to screw customers over.
Kids arrive in Amsterdam now, no intellectual spark, not even a real Mayor any more just people waiting to rip them off.

I am looking on line " The Scumbag Award" goes to Clink Hostels that want 116 Euro for a bed in a dorm of a backpackers and the runner up is Budget Hotel Tourist Inn that want 113 for a dorm bed, at one time the cheapest bed in Amsterdam was The Christian Youth Hostel, mad as hatters with the Jesus Drivel but harmless, friendly and clean at 13.50 FL a night and Bobs Youth Hostel at 17 FL a night and The Meeting Place on the Warmoestraat at 20 a night, owned by an Indian man well traveled and his father a sweet little old man used to thrash me at chess, That was Amsterdam in " The Olden Days"  in  " The Olden Days" things were " Gezellig" in Amsterdam, in 2024 after the Budget Tourist Hotel rips people off for 113 Euro for a dorm bed everything is " Awesome" there they said it is " Awesome" on their website, "Godverdomme" what went wrong?...

You can also soak up " The Clink Vibe" according to their website,  not quite sure what the " Vibe" is, I guess being ripped off for 116 Euro is " Awesome" in Amsterdam in 20024.

Andre  Hazes will be spinning is his grave at what Amsterdam has become, I knew Andre I talk of the Father not the idiot son, he was a friend of Roy Inca, some called him names as a Councillor when he never turned up at Council Meetings, why bother turning up to listen to idiots talk crap, give Andre a crate of Heineken and a telephone and he could move mountains.
The saddest thing is nobody cares their country has been taken over by racist wackos but they are getting excited over football, almost waiting for Rod Serling to walk into the frame and start weeping, personally I would spend the rest of my life building statues of a football player that ripped of his kit ran down the field naked shouting ' Nike Are Scum, 3 rd world sweat shops and child labor' 
In many ways the NL was my " Teacher" I grew up in N6, Middle Class Banality in North London and a few years in a hick town in the NW where people grunt at each other and vairy the cadences of those grunts to express wants, needs and desires , the NL taught me so much, she forgot what she taught me.
I finally " Got It" at one time the NL was a country other nations could have learned from, now spiritually and morally the NL is a failed state,  a country known for wisdom and tolerance is now a broken nation lacking moral faculty surely that shows there is no hope for this world.
13 years later the Irish are still puking racial hatred all over me their version of Jarndyce V Jarndyce imbued with sectarian hatred, no apology from Ireland I will never get one " My Kind" from that vulgar toxic racist leprechaun Michael Higgins down racism is like breathing to the Irish.
13  years later Catherine Pierse is abusing her office to puke sectarian hatred all over me, that is okay in Ireland " My Kind" 
Forgetting my issues why should refugee kids have to deal with " We Do Not Want Niggers In Ireland" from Government Officials, anybody care to grow a moral backbone and march over the bridge in Selma, Alabama in the metaphoric sense?
My last thoughts here for anybody else, Right from wrong,, somebody I like a lot I could never break bread with her given her ignorance and lack of empathy, however not her fault, she grew up where people grunt at each other, however if she had a little more depth and we broke bread my advice to her would be " Avoid my bed, turn off Facebook and read a book" on the other hand Clinton is a rapist, who is the better man?
I want to go somewhere where people are CIVIL, I had a British Landlord in France that stole from me, he is the scum of the earth , always be such people not worth debating, however 2 of my own countrymen used and used a man with nothing.
also music teacher with developmental issues, an emotional vampire that would want to tell you about " Mommy Issues" as you are bleeding to death kind of thing, Coke Inspired Tantrums about " Mommy Issues" none of them would ever be  welcome at my table, however I would have helped them if I had my day if they had just found an apology within their hearts, treating people the right way, it should not be abstract.
Both of them have a laptop I gave them, one has a television, TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, I gave with good grace, I can only use 1 laptop, one has a television, I can only watch 1 television, TAKE,TAKE,TAKE, I wired the outhouses of one man for free, TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, I am so fucking sick of ignorance and vulgarity.
I say for the last time anybody I have not reached out to that wants to invest get in touch.
Anybody I have not reached out to wants to do something about all the racism in Ireland, again HONESTY my only DEMAND, I contacted the Philly Asso of Black Journalists, they are Non People" to me as they did not do the right thing as an autonomic function, they can never redeem themselves in my heart even if they wanted to, doing the right thing should be an autonomic function not a Hegelian Debate with oneself.
Lastly there is a lady called Mia, I will not email you as I cannot make any more " Non People" in my heart, if on the one in a million chance you walked past me tomorrow or a year from now I would like to say hello, I cannot do that if I email you and you fail to do the right thing.
However if you care about turtles stuck up trees and whales with G.I.D, and want to do something DECENT about racism in Ireland, a work in progress, lets put our heads together.
Find Diamond, he was the Bar Manager of Sally's 2, knew everybody, cared about Dolphins stuck up trees and did something about it kind of thing, a wise old head.
Purely Professional, I have so many problems, introspection is not one of them, I know I am a fucked up old man, " I would, you would not" however I am a professional and would behave as such, if you know who I am and come across this bring people together take Ethnic Skin Actresses to Letterkenny and put Irish racism on the map, dine out on the media exposure.
I just want to sleep and dream about the Bunny Rabbits from Watership Down doing nice Bunny Rabbit things and nubile maidens dyking out.If you come across this and you give a fuck about goldfish stuck up trees take the lead and bring people together re racism in Ireland, Ethnic Skin Actresses would bring Letterkenny to a standstill most of the ladies(sic) there look like 73 Buick's. Then take a Camera Crew to interview that vulgar racist leprechaun Michael Higgins about WHY RACISM IS OKAY IN IRELAND, he would be running around like a psychotic rat attempting damage control in the face of  global disgust and ridicule, once the story is out there it would grow and grow.
Anybody REAL take the lead, start with Hello Chris if I can be of any help, however I  would not be " Hands On" I would be asleep hopefully, take the lead, that vulgar nation , it would be 

The Chief Racist is called Liam Ward, he was the head of housing at Donegal County Council that said " We Do Not Want Your Kind Or Niggers In Ireland" he was promoted, promotions for racism,mmmmm, leave the Chief Executive  John McLaughlin alone, he is a coward not a racist, he gave me a lift home but lacks the backbone to do the right thing.
Where has all the integrity gone in this world, I am working on a letter for 2 Scottish Judges, rather than rant I quoted one of their own, David Hume for if he is right, today's children , tomorrows adults will not know anything apart from " Like'  ,  ' Follow' and Mindless Consumerism, some things we will never know, what came first the chicken or the egg?, did Tom ' Mustard-Seed" Cruise swallow when he blew Geffen to be cast as the shortest vampire ever, however integrity and morality should not be abstract or complicated.
An understanding of my heart, all I want in this world, all that has kept me breathing all these years is a dream of sitting in a court room and seeing that ABOMINATION ELIZABETH GRACEN GO TO JAIL, seeing it go to jail would be like winning every lottery on the planet, sleeping with Ford's and Elites list and going down the Purley Way with your head on the tank on an LC 250 seeing the needle hit that " Magic " 100 MPH as a 17 year old, seeing it go to jail would be like doing all of those 3 things on the same day.
If you can find any goodness in your heart but do not want to communicate that sack of shit Lovett has my bank info.
I am so fucking disgusted with peoples lack of humanity, I am a broken down old man, these are my last words on July 7th utterly fucking disgusted, if I got my money back tomorrow I will still be a broken down old man, I will never hear a child say Dad, I will never get to teach my child to climb trees, bite Republicans and rebuild a Flat 6 Porsche engine
.If I got my money back a legion of bimbos would have my child, that is not REAL, I will never hear Dad.
That  was a pleasant surprise " The Wackos" did not  take Parliament in France, Jean-Luc Melenchon's Vapid Verbal Masturbation is better than the hatred of Le Pen and her band of " Wackos" however I doubt an apology is on its way from the Place Baeuvau.
You know me,  you cared once, I can sum up the lack of hope for the Human Race after what happened yesterday,  clutching at straws, emailing Inner London Councillors, exceptions to the rule but on the whole people I would want to avoid like the plague, well the saddest thing is Tower Hamlets Council, there are more Foreign Councillors than British Councillors , most of them are Bangladeshi, not one of them cares that Gov Officials in Ireland are saying to refugee kids " We Do Not Want Niggers In Ireland" however they would expect other people to get off their ass and help them if they were being subjected to racial hatred.
Last  48 hours fucking drowning in vulgarity, ignorance and downright depravity, 30 years ago I would have found kindness, compassion and integrity.
All this time later no apology from France, France raped my soul, France even took my teeth from me and then turned me into Edmond Dantes at 6.10 am and over 2 years later no apology from France,  France was a civilized country once.
My fucked up old heart, if I had 2 choices now, I noticed in the media for morons it is the Birthday of a 44 year old that " Still Has A Few Miles Left On The Clock" if she had a moral backbone and I knew her I would like to get her a box of orgasms for her birthday,I would rather share a coffee with somebody  with a moral backbone, a busy bar 50 yards away I expect at least half a dozen people got laid last night, however I doubt anybody met anybody there last night with a moral backbone.
Please The Mind Boggles, Today a " Chimp" from a Mickey Mouse Drama School in West London trying to start an email fight, The Mind Boggles.
Last sentence ever for you, France was a civilized nation once, over 2 years after France turned me into Edmond Dantes no introspection from France, no guilt and shame from France, no apology from France, I cannot even find a moral heart that understands Martin Niemoller's words in " First They Came"  France went from civility and learning to ignorance and vulgarity,.LOOK INTO YOUR HEART, CAN YOU REMEMBER ANY GOOD?.


historically most people  that could count past 10 left Ireland in search of a larger canvas and to get away from the  provincial mind set, 2  examples , their pissant constitution penned by a yokel doffing his cap to Rome read about McQuaid ignorant and vulgar, in effect the Irish Constitution states " Free Speech is guaranteed provided the Gov of The Day like the content.
Secondly there used to be a  Kangaroo Court in Northern Ireland , 6 Counties in the North of the Island of Ireland that are still British and have the hots for King Billy.
The Kangaroo Court in Northern Ireland was called  a Diplock Court, The Republic of Ireland now has their very own kangaroo court , The Special Criminal Court.
The abused have become the abusers, that is Ireland, however it is worse than that using Standard DSM Drivel as Diagnostic Criteria if Ireland was a person rather than a Vulgar, Ignorant Racist Pissant Rock that masquerades as a nation she would be considered psychotic.
A short history lesson that attests to that pissant vulgar rock, Ireland renamed Hitlers Genocide " The Emergency"  and did nothing but expected other people to bleed for them to keep their pissant rock safe.
When young boys were dying on battlefields of Europe the Irish Defense Minister an Olivier Flanagan stated in open Parliament Jews should be rounded up in Ireland and deported.
Ireland's President sent condolences to Germany upon Hitler's death and still today the current vulgar racist Irish President a disgusting man lacking any vestige of decency sent condolences upon Thatcher's death, her hands were dripping with Irish Blood, the pissant rock is a satirists wet dream,if you know the history join me in a sad chuckle, if not look it up  "Identity Politics" before the term was coined, Who "  broke" The League of Nations?, THE MIND BOGGLES. 
Any musicians NUKE THE RACIST NEANDERTHALS IN SONG., Who sums up that pissant rock is Disraeli " An Unbroken Circle Of Bigotry And Blood" 
Any  REAL Black Musicians , NUKE THE RACIST NEANDERTHALS IN SONG, Something feel good, think Marley or Black Uhuru or if you wanted humor with a serious subtext re work " I am Woman" for Von der Leyen, ' I  am Imbecile, Hear me babble" use humor to expose the woman's banality and ignorance in effect she did not just say Fuck You Chris, she said Fuck You to refugee children in Ireland , such a song would chart if done by a " name" she would be the laughing stock globally, it would only be a matter of time until the vile woman resigned.
Not going to go into it here tired not enough  space, I have had dealings with the vile woman, I could have did due to her ignorance , self obsession and vulgarity and  I am happy to explain that to anybody, we do not need  Heinrich von Ofterdingen , all I and refugee children in Ireland needed from that vulgar woman was integrity.
Can everybody be wrong ?, am  I wrong  a vile and vulgar racist woman a Catherine Pierse abused legislation  in the name of Sectarian Hatred " My Kind" if Satire is a crime what would they want to do to Swift to Milligan, utterly vile , no sense of guilt or shame, they do not know any better my heart tells me to leave them to wallow in their ignorance and vulgarity I did not go after Pierse she went after me with a malicious prosecution, do your own research.
Refugee kids in Ireland have nobody, think of that Prancing Imbecile Ursula von der Leyen an utter fucking dullard from a political party of utter fucking dullards going back to Adenauer, however  opening your mouth about racism does not require depth or the wisdom of Solomon even a mindless fuck like Ursula von der Leyen  could open her fucking mouth if she had a just heart, the woman is fucking vile.
What speaks volumes of the vile woman 's fucking banality is at one time the C.D.U in Germany could not shut up going back to 1945, with the exception of Nazis that were welcomed on board like Globke and Kiesinger most of the C.D.U basked in Norman Rockwell banality and said to each other ' Ich War Es Nicht"   " It Was Not Me" and Axel Springer kept them stupid that is the C.D.U, that is that vile and vulgar woman Ursula von der Leyen a morally repugnant woman from a morally repugnant political party of Nazi's and Dullards.
Will you open your mouth in song on behalf of refuge children in Ireland, they should not have to endure " We Do Not Want Niggers in Ireland "from Gov Officials.
I am fucking ill and the medicine I need is not in a Merck it used to live in peoples hearts it was called decency, it was called morality, it was called integrity.
I want to sleep for a month and  then take a dog for a walk the days of Catullus 16 and fair maidens are behind me, I am a fucked up old man that had 22 years of his life stolen from him.
Last thoughts does anybody know of a REAL HUMAN  RIGHTS LAWYER, the word lacks gravitas in this day and age, LDH in France and that vile man Patrick Baudouin do nothing to help anybody, masturbatory drivel to edify the Gauche Caviar  that live in the 16e  or N.S.S , in the UK a vile silk a Helena Kennedy an utter fake, how can anybody take her serious when she has been  sucking Tory Cock, she has an honorific title , a " pretend" Baroness, by definition there can be no such animal as a Human Rights Lawyer with an Honorific Title.
Another  fake is Cobweb Clooney's Wife, she would not know Human Rights if Human Rights had a 16 inch cock and was slumming it and fucked her, such women were 10 a penny in Annabel's in London in the 80'S.
A real Human Rights Lawyer, I wonder if they would laugh or cry at the C.O.E'S Identity Politics , it makes a mockery of everything  decent, moral and just, why should kids bother getting an education they could just sit on their ass and hope their ethnicity is in vogue with the imbeciles at the C.O.E next week, twice firstly a man from Iceland and secondly that vile and vulgar racist woman Siofra  O'Leary the President of the E.C.H.R, nobody in their right mind would make her or anybody from Ireland the President of The E.C.H.R.
What side of the Atlantic , Thank Fuck NY Pres or The Royal Free do not indulge such  ignorance as Identity Politics and make her the Chief Surgeon.
This world is so wrong Rutte " Broke" the Netherlands, his banality all but gave the Keys To The Kingdom to that wacko Wilders, Dunning-Kruger may excuse his banality but does it excuse his utter lack of introspection, he " Broke" the Netherlands a once vibrant creative nation that worked for everybody and now he wants  to go and " Play" at NATO if anywhere he should be going to FEBO or Texel to count seagulls for Eurostat , Eurostat and Rutte would be a good fit, they are both pointless.
Again nothing to do with me, I read something earlier Oxfam a banal charity " Blah, Blah, Blah, More Tea Vicar?!" they are talking crap about the calorific intake of children in 3 rd world hell holes, the CEO of Oxfam is on 268 K USD , you could buy a lot of food with 268K , I am the fucked up guy, however I would be ashamed to take 268 K out of the mouth's of children the well meaning inept donate to Oxfam thinking they are feeding children when they are putting 268 K in the pocket of a scumbag.
I am fucking ill , I just want to  sleep, I have nothing left to say, I expect Cobweb Clooney has more chance of doing Hamlet than I have of finding anybody with a moral backbone, however

I noticed something today that speaks volumes about my disgust with the  cowards and the self obsessed that do not want to get involved after hearing the name of " The Rapist In Chief " Bill Clinton.

An American black actor died at 61, I did not know him, I have only ever seen him play a doctor however I thought he had the intensity to  do Othello on stage and he is gone at 61, I am 58 the cowards and the self obsessed that do not want to get involved, you have been party to stealing 22 years of my life from me by the omission of an act, how do you sleep at night?., how long do I have left?., you have been party to stealing 22 years of my life from me, 22 years I can never get back, again how do you sleep at night?,
Somebody I did know a once athletic actor died from cancer at 57, I was watching a crappy movie he was in, he was throwing a ball  around with people in this movie, in real life other people and myself throwing a ball around with him on the beech in SM many years ago, we cannot do that anymore he is no longer here his light went out, he was a decent human being such a rarity in this day and age.

I am 58 what if  had died at 57 and my last night on the planet was one of a homeless wretch, again how do you sleep at night?, I will despise the cowards and the self obsessed until the day I die, look at your hands that is my blood and the blood of children in 3rd world hell holes that my late daughters charity would have aided, how do you sleep at night?

Out Of Words And Fucking Disgusted, OCT 1ST 2024.

Christmas Again, Utterly Fucking disgusted, I have not had a Christmas in 20 years.
So far this Christmas 2 vile and vulgar British MP'S, Ben Bradshaw and Bambos Charalambous think it is funny to ask a homeless man his address, I expect they would have had a ball at Auschwitz mocking Jewry, Zeit Gezunt, 2 vulgar scumbags, that is the UK Today.
Granted the same could be said for me, however if the UK was a dog and not a country it would be put to sleep.
it is the 28th Feb today and this is my last ever seething in utter disgust, a few weeks I will be 58, I have nothing I however felt sorry for a dullard that was a landlord breaking his back  working as a gardener he was a   box ticker with charity, his vacuity arrives  a few seconds before he does , I felt sorry for him breaking his back as a gardener.
I have nothing and yet I felt sorry for him and tried to help him, he thanks me by stealing from me and throwing away important legal documents, I despise this man., You make my skin crawl Steve Toaster.
He even stole a Nikon F4  from me that somebody gave me as a present.
Guilt and shame, some fucker pass the hat and I do not want a cent from anybody that turned their back, you cannot buy forgiveness and the idiot in a dress in Rome is the one that sells redemption not me.
My less sentence ever, lees than a  week   before my birthday utterly disgusted, Industry Scum and VA Law Scum yesterday, integrity and morality hell no.
I am fucking numb, I came across something yesterday that SCREAMS the Human Race is fucked, a vile woman in the UK A Suella Braverman the Home Sec , she is foreign and she wants to fuck with asylum seekers, at one time if I had come across her I would have wanted to have said" What The Fuck Is The Matter With You" , 
She is sick in the fucking head , she does not want to nurture or care for poor lost souls she wants to fuck with them, The world is fucked, Braverman Actions are akin to those of Stella Kubler's in the moral and philosophical sense.
58 in less than a week, I  would like to stand toe to toe with Macron for my Birthday and say " You are a tough guy, you can fuck up my life with a phone call or an email, lets try mano a mano you vulgar toxic dullard.
You can have the first punch, my disgust with that toxic dullard is akin to the disgust that lived in the hearts of Parisian Jewry towards Pierre Laval.
Somebody feel some fucking guilt and shame " First They Came"  Martin Niemoller.Guilt and shame pass the fucking hat and an accounting I do not want a cent from anybody that turned their back, redemption is not for sale. SHAME ON YOU.
Nothing Left inside me, 58 in a few hours, all that keeps me breathing is my hatred of  that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen and a dream of seeing it go to jail., At one time  I never knew the names of any skin actresses apart from ones I personally knew, an allegory who wants to watch  the car go around in circle's when you can drive the car.. However my fucking limit now is downloaded skin due to that ABOMINATION Gracen
I noticed  one a few months ago, I hope she does not get into trouble, her tits are real, have not read the CPL in years, I think real tits are illegal in  CA,
I had hoped National Geographic would commission me to eat  her pussy, and to send back stories of the mission, setting up Base Camp in The Plaza, sending out a scouting party to the Tappen Zee Bridge, we make it to The Frontenac as the sun sets on Quebec City, she had already promised to behave and not tell the people of Quebec about " The Treaty of Paris" the poor things thing they are French and speak this language a little like French.
One has to be very careful if anybody invites you to the theatre in Quebec, people have been known to hemorrhage or throw a clot half way through " Les Belles Soeurs" and then Tremblay has a little tantrum and demands the dead tell him how amazing he is.
Break out the 503 and FP4, , however in truth she looks so sweet  I would not go anywhere near her, I would not take my darkness anywhere near her light, or anybodies light and even National Geographic is no longer National Geographic, it is owned by morally repugnant corp scum, Disney that want to fuck over children in 3 rd world sweat shops.
.I would liked to have bumped into her in The Townhouse in Venice 90291, in the 90,s , lets go to S.L.O coffee, friendship and orgasms, I guess she would have been 2. back in the 90's.
Nothing left inside me, If I had the riches of Croesus I will never know love and I will never hear a child say Dad, Gracen destroyed that man.
No point in saying this, said it for 20 years and only fell upon VILE AND VULGAR EARS, why should this birthday be any different to the last 20 I did not have, or Christmas's.
Anybody feels any guilt or shame I WANT TO GO TO THE FUCKING DANIELE AND SLEEP.
I used to believe in things, Billy cannot die in Ally McBeal, he has to fuck all the Billy Girls and get it out of his system and have a 3 way with Ally and Lucy Liu, then he marries Ally, makes babies in a nice house on the cape and gets into gentle country law, he cannot die, I used to believe in things, metaphorically I believed in fairies in the bottom of the garden, I believed in Puff The Magic Dragon, that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen butchered the fairies and Puff that lived in my heart, who came to my aid, NO FUCKER.
Happy Fucking Birthday Chris,.
The day after my birthday I bought a pouch of tobacco in a supermarket chain I used to get laid in years ago, talking to ladies working there, care to get a drink when you finish work, some said yes.
The lady that handed me the tobacco was pretty and friendly, however I am a fucked up old guy that is old enough to be her father, all I want to do is nail the door closed and know that ABOMINATION Gracen is in jail.
My last sentence ever 18.40 Z SEETHING IN FUCKING DISGUST, Today I would like to stand toe to toe with Macron and say you can have the first punch, I cannot do that The Republican Guard will not let me,  however I cannot even find anybody with a moral backbone..
ANY REAL JOURNALISTS/SATIRISTS you will find my J.R in the Irish Courts by April 3rd, it will be tossed, MY KIND, any real journalists/writers left, NUKE IRELAND WITH WORDS ,it goes  beyond me why should refugee children have to hear  WE DO NOT WANT NIGGERS IN IRELAND FROM GOV OFFICIALS.
Sat 25 March, FUCKING DISGUSTED OUT OF WORDS,no hope for humanity, sum it up without involving my issues in the UK The Newspaper for " Morons" The Sun has the largest circ,  in The US the News Network for " Morons"  Fox has the most viewers, that screams no hope for humanity, all I wanted to do was go somewhere where I WOULD BE TREATED LIKE A HUMAN BEING....SHAME ON YOU.
I wake up today where a semi literate product of affirmative action The NY AG tries to start an email fight, Sorry Chris is beyond her, THIS WORLD IS FUCKED.
An ABOMINATION by the name of Elizabeth Gracen stole millions from my late daughters charity and myself and left me to die upon the streets of Paris.
Gracen is being protected from prosecution by the ex Cracker-In-Chief, Bill Clinton, not crazy man time the connection between Clinton and Gracen is well documented.
France destroyed my last remaining humanity and hope a few weeks ago, I am the screwed up guy however I could not do  what France did to me to any living thing, I am fucked up beyond all hope of repair, however I could not be as depraved as France was.
All the years of suffering France bestowed upon me as a homeless wretch, never any guilt or shame, never lets try and make things right with Chris, however France bestowed a final depravity upon me that beggars belief something I doubt even Kafka could have penned, France decided I was a latter day Edmond Dantes.
France abused and violated me for years as she gave everything to a man that murdered a school teacher.
To echo and modify Zola,  J'Accuse M Jourdain AKA M Macron the buffoon that is " playing" in The Elysee,  J'accuse aussi Gerald Darmain et Eric Dupond-Moretti
France's final depravity could be considered psychotic if it was a person and not a country or OT style evil for those that believe that drivel.
It  involves Ireland, however one cannot expect any better from Ireland, not Anti Irish Sentiment, it is an extrapolation from commonly accepted historical fact.
As a nation Ireland has always been Europe's " Poor Relation" things do not work very well in Ireland.
Their radio stations are owned by the Germans, the phone company owned by the French, as a nation Ireland cannot even make potato chips, Tayto make nice cheese and onion crisps, but they are owned by the Germans, the irony of that would work well with Sartre meets 19 century Yiddish Theatre.
I am a homeless wretch that France shit all over not a Social Anthropologist, however I will have  a go.
Ireland does not work very well as they abused and violated by both the UK and the Church of Rome also most Irish people that are good at anything leave the country in search of a larger canvas and to " escape" Ireland's provincial worldview.
As  a nation there was no period of philosophical reflection within Ireland, they went from being abused by Rome and the UK to over 200 channels of DRIVEL that Corp Dross Liberty Global pukes all over Ireland, their 2nd network belongs to a vile and vulgar robber baron, Richard Branson, he also pukes drivel all over Ireland.
Rather than babble on look at the Irish Banking Crash, one does not need to be Milton Friedman to see that was coming, it was a product of Junkie Mentality meets Macmillan's
" You Have Never Had It So Good"
Politically Speaking FF and FG are self serving " Daily Mail Tories"  SF mean well for the Irish, however they will never take power as the mindless have 200 channels of drivel and SF need to learn that EQUALITY means all people not just the Irish, equality includes me and little green men from Mars if there are such things.
SF live in Political Cloud Cuckoo Land,shades of Citizen Smith and " The Peoples Popular Republic Of Tooting"
The Irish Labour Party and Irish Socialist Party, " Danger Will Robinson, Buffoons Approaching" they have no understanding of the precepts of the Labour Movement or Socialism, however I expect they know a lot about Tofu and Joni Mitchell Albums.
I am livid with how Ireland treated me 10 or 11 years ago in the name of sectarian hatred and I am livid that 10 or 11 years later Ireland is still displaying sectarian hatred towards me 10 or 11 years ago I was told by a Liam Ward the head of housing at Donegal County Council.
                                                                                                                                                        WE DO NOT WANT YOUR KIND OR NIGGERS HERE.
if there is a black woman in the public eye with the smarts of James Baldwin and the sexuality of Grace Jones back in the day go and see Liam Ward and take a camera crew with you and interview him, your sexuality would all but have Liam Ward hiding under his desk,he would either refuse to see you or be on the defensive.
You can shine in the media not I , I could not go near them, they make me want to puke starting with Bill Keller in 2002 when he turned his fucking back on me and that is not even talking about that SACK OF SHIT, PINCH, that cannot fill DADDIES SHOES.
If anybody decides to run with this you need to take charge, I want no part of this world as this world has wanted no part of me for the last 20 years.
If you wanted to get Felliniesque make friends with the A.N.C and the S.A Communist Party, Bantu Tribesmen on Letterkenny High Street would wake up the yokels.
You need to understand what you are dealing with, think Dueling Banjos, Donegal is not that far removed from Deliverance.
I could rant, I could use 3 dollar words, however to " GET IT" all you need to do is watch Father Ted, one EP where they are having a " Lovely Legs Competition" 3 or 4 drunken guys cackling at her and making schoolboy comments, that is Donegal  in real life such people are Donegal's answer to Valentino and most of the women look like 73 Buick's.
 If any " stunning" transgendered model's/actresses/skin actresses with huge dicks want to get involved, again with a camera crew go and see Liam Ward and get your dick out and ask him does " Thumper" " Growler" or " Killer" need a special permit
Humor, however at the end of the day it will embarrass him and put their ignorance, sectarian hatred and racism on the map.
You need to understand that as a Nation Ireland is morally and spiritually dead, nobody cares about sectarian hatred, nobody cares about racism, if only I was a Bunny Rabbit, Rabbits worked together to bring down General Woundwort and when Hazel was wounded Fiver and Blackberry helped, they were not talking shit on Twitter masquerading as activists, click, click, click or asking fellow rabbits to sign their petition on CORP SCUM  disguised as an NGO like Change.org.
Use humor to make valid points, Rabbits have more of a sense of moral faculty than the Irish, NOBODY CARES ABOUT SECTARIAN HATRED OR RACISM.
As  a nation Ireland's " Specialist Subject" is Systemic Vacuity, The Irish Human Rights And Equality Commission, sounds wonderful alas a " Technical Hitch" THEY ARE FUCKING VILE. They do nothing, 15 Substance Free Imbeciles clutching Mickey Mouse Degrees in Gender Studies or Basket Weaving from Mickey Mouse University's, however not one of cares about sectarian hatred or racism.
Another one The Irish Refugee Council, again another " Technical Hitch" this time 25 Substance Free Buffoons that could not care less about sectarian hatred and racism in Ireland.
Douglas Adams had the best idea what to do with such people, place them on a space ship that was programed to fly into the sun, it was thought to be the kindest thing that could be done.Mary Harney has more chance of getting fucked by Leopold Bloom and David Norris than anybody has of finding integrity, morality and compassion within Ireland.
There is no integrity within any quarter within Ireland, Higgins is busy being a big fish in a small pond, if the man had any integrity as Head of State he would have apologized to me, however if Ireland had have treated me like a human being rather than subjecting me to prolonged systemic sectarian hatred there would have been nothing to apologize for, all I wanted from Ireland was for her to treat me like a human being.
The Irish PM is duplicitous in the sectarian hatred Ireland is displaying towards me if only by virtue of doing nothing when he should be doing something.
Then go and see Michael Higgins  with a camera crew  and ask him why nobody cares about sectarian hatred in Ireland and why Ireland is displaying sectarian hatred towards me with a malicious prosecution 10 or 11 years later and why racism is socially acceptable within  all quarters within Ireland, draw on the abused becoming the abusers.
Old American newspaper adverts, N.I.N.A, in effect Liam Ward has modified N.I.N.A to facilitate his sectarian and racial hatred.
However first read " The Morris Report" it speaks to " Anything Goes Policing" in Donegal
10 or 11 years ago I must have emailed " EVERYBODY" within Ireland apart from the ghost of Dev's cat about what Liam Ward said to me NOBODY CARED.
 I then tried satire, shades of George Carlin, the logic being if you can get them laughing you can get them thinking, I got plenty of chuckles, however I did not get any thought or compassion. " Thinking and Compassion" not Ireland's forte, somebody had a thought once, his name was Sheridan Le Fanu he thought it would be nice to have Lesbian Vampires.
Mary Harney's husband also had a thought when Mary was horny and Mr Harney was expected to perform his matrimonial duties, Mr Harney thought" Time To Get The Fuck Out Of The House" .Some also say Mary Robinson also had a thought and that is she was very angry that Jack Nicholson would not butt fuck her as he sung The Wild Rover.
                                                                                                                                              SATIRE, A FUCKING CRIME IN IRELAND
I invited everybody to a gay racist ball as Liam Ward , I have no idea what they would want to do to Spike Milligan over The Irish Space Program.
I did not get anywhere with polite Dear Sir/Madam emails and I did not get anything more than chuckles when using satire, what kind of country does not care about a government official propagating such sectarian and racial hatred, Ireland is the country that does not care.
A disgusting morally repugnant country, 10 or 11 years later they want to charge me with harassing Liam Ward,Racism and Sectarian Hatred is okay, however using satire in an attempt to wake up the mindless is illegal in Ireland, I wonder what Ireland would want to do to Simon Weisenthal for " harassing" those Nazis.
I tried contacting EU Bodies about Ireland and France's perfidy, rather than rant it would be prudent if I was to let Spock get this one, the one with the ears not the idiot when referring to EU Bodies " Its Life Jim But Not As We Know It"
From " The Turgid Toxic Troika" down Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel and Roberta Metsola it is Body that lacks depth and substance but excels in banality and ineptitude.
The ineptitude and banality of EU Bodies and a systemic pass the buck attitude of a legion of dullards employed by EU Bodies could cost a homeless person their life as they try to defend themselves from a malicious prosecution from Ireland 10 or 11 years later and navigate an Escheresque like maze of banality and ineptitude displayed by EU Bodies.
Somebody looking for compassion, integrity and justice and all they find are mindless box ticking chimps or self obsessed buffoons like " The Turgid Toxic Troika" it could be the straw that broke the homeless persons back and a poor wretch could go under a train after only finding DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE within EU Bodies.
From " The Turgid Toxic Troika " down they should be ashamed of themselves, however I fear they lack the introspection and Charles Michel could not get laid on the Rue d'Aerschot as for Von Der Leyen, all the CDU have ever done is blah blah blah for the semi literate " Norman Rockwell Set" as they read Bild it could also be argued their banality spawned  the R.A.F et al, it could also be argued that Axel Springer puked drivel all over " The Norman Rockwell Set". and kept them stupid.
Metsola, at least she is pretty if she wanted to make herself useful she could take her shirt off and sing Rebel Songs, however I doubt that will happen as seemingly she is ever so busy being important.
E.U Bodies , to use an American Expression it is " Working Welfare" for the inept, one could fire half the staff at the EU and still be overstaffed.
One thing that speaks volumes about the systemic ineptitude and ingrained ignorance of EU Bodies is the attitude of The Head Chimp at The European Commission, BXL'S very own Mrs Bucket (Keeping Up Appearances) I refer to Ursula von der Leyen a Professional Dullard and Hypocrite.
Von Der Leyen and the CDU going back to Adenauer it is the political party of drudgery, banality and hypocrisy.
Von Der Leyen is emblematic of what is wrong with the EU, a poor quality of people at the EU  that lack substance but are enraptured with their self perceived importance like strutting peacocks on cocaine, Dunning-Kruger does not excuse Von Der Leyen's incompetence, banality and moral bankruptcy.
The ingrained banality and ineptitude of EU Bodies does not attract people of depth and substance, it attracts the dullards.
France owes me a lot more than residency, however I have no idea how to put a monetary value on what France owes me for all the years of psychological abuse.
I am a man of peace, however if a Fairy Godmother said I could do anything in France I would like to stand toe to toe with Macron and say you can have the first punch, I wonder does that make me a lunatic?, In another time and place think of a little old lady, lets call her Mrs Goldstein and lets say she lived on the Rue des Rosiers in Paris, would she not want to stand toe to toe with Pierre Laval?
I was flipping through the channels and noticed Williams the tennis player.
I thought to myself, I wish she would sit on my face, no doubt great fun, however then I became somewhat pensive and philosophical after I noticed she was wearing Nike, what if she was to rip off everything and say I am not wearing this shit, Nike are parasitic and that sack of shit Phil  Knight the Founder and ex CEO of Nike made billions on the sweat of children in his 3rd world sweat shops.
That would be called giving a fuck about something but yourself, That would be called using ones position within the public eye for the common good and not doing product endorsements for scum like Nike.
Lets not forget Cobweb Clooney, Alleged Activist, Alleged Actor and pitch man for crappy overpriced coffee machines that appeal to terminally confused 30 something Vanity Fair readers, I mean Townsend's drivel, not Thackery.
Clooney should be fucking ashamed of himself, Children in 3rd world hell holes do not have self obsessed twats like Clooney within the public eye to advocate for them, that giving a fuck thing.
Alleged Actor, I never saw his Hamlet, his Torvald, or his St Joan, did anybody see his Boris Trigorin?, I must have missed that one also.
I maintain Lower Brain Function with one driving force, a dream of seeing that ABOMINATION Gracen being brought to justice.
La Tango, 50 yards from my front door, a gay club now, then an everything club everybody got on and most nights I would go home with somebody " interesting"  people just seemed to find each other in there, being silly to make a point if Babar was " Slumming It" and blowing Jack Lang nobody would have batted an eye, people may have offered Babar advice along the lines of surely you can do better than Jack Lang.
I have no idea what dirt Gracen has on Clinton, it started as a sexual thing, Gracen first shared a bed with Clinton to obtain a Miss Arkansas crown, this is well documented from many sources, however Gracen is an old woman now,  gerontophilia is Macron's paraphilia not Clinton's. This world is fucked up beyond all hope of repair,look at it where ever you are in the world turn the TV on channel after channel of drivel mostly American drivel penned by chimps with crayons from the WGA.
I will always be polite to strangers, not their fault I am fucked up, however I want no part of this fucking world as this world has wanted no part of me for the last 20 years.
I am dead inside I cannot even go to a bar and get laid, however even if I could trawling the bars to get laid at 57 in sad and tawdry.
My fucking limit these days downloaded skin due to that ABOMINATION Elizabeth Gracen, " The Gentleman Slut" is no more, " The Writer" is no more, I could write DRIVEL like Dan Brown or the other one, 50 Shades Of Twaddle.I cannot really write any more I cannot make a blind man " see" a Renoir, a" real" writer needs to believe in fairies in the bottom of the garden, a " real" writer needs to believe in Puff The Magic Dragon, that FUCKING ABOMINATION ELIZABETH GRACEN MURDERED THE FAIRIES AND PUFF IN THE METAPHORIC SENSE.